Monday, October 30, 2017

A Little Pumpkin Fun

Our HUGE class pumpkin arrived a few days ago.  Its arrival sparked all kind of questions, observations and discoveries.  We read lots of great pumpkin books and learned how pumpkins grow. Pumpkin, Pumpkin & It's Pumpkin Time were two of our favorites. 

Each day, we looked at our pumpkin and wrote down some of our observations.  We though about all of the different words we could use to describe it.  The children did really well with this. They came up with a lot of describing words.

We measured the height and circumference of our pumpkin.  We found out that it was 16 cubes tall and 35 links around.

We also tried picking our pumpkin up so we could determine what it was heavier than and what it was lighter than.

This wasn't as easy as we thought!  In the end, we decided that our pumpkin was heavier than our Legos and lighter than a school bus.

Finally, we were ready to look inside our pumpkin.  The children were so funny.  Some of them even squealed when they grabbed some of the pulp.  

While I drew the face and started to carve, the children separated the seeds from the pulp.

Finally, it was time to turn the lights out and look at our Jack-O-Lantern!