Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Our All For Kid's Dr. Office

The class decided to turn the Home Living Center into a doctor's office.  We started by making a web of all the things that happen in a doctor's office.  The class thought of some really great ideas!  

Next we made a list of all the things that we will need for our doctor's office.

We even watched a few books and short videos about going to the doctor.

So far, the kids are having a great time playing in the "All for Kid's Clinic"!

Katie is signing in for her appointment.  

Dr. Camden is ready to take care of his patient.

It looks like Sophie's arm might be broken.

 Sophie's getting a cast!

Nurse Brooks writes out the prescription.  Looks like Sophie needs liquid medicine.

Nurse Brooks checks Will's height.

Brooks must really be sick!

Oh, no!  another broken arm!

I hope it's not strep!